richard gyrcz: _DSC4116
richard gyrcz: _DSC3779
richard gyrcz: _DSC3833
猜猜 Guess TSAI: beautiful smile
bubbleooooo2009: Pretty 6235
jwfoto1973: high into the sky
Chrisnaton: Hillside tree
richard gyrcz: Klaudia
Jezus_Lives: " In the moment we are timeless. " __Julia Cameron.
Anakin Photography: 惡女。派出所
Calvin Lee a.k.a calvin83: Loney night #1
Artem_Prikhodko: Karina_2
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): #cameraporn #leicam3 #leicacamera #rangefinder #vintagecamera #leica #summicron 50f2 DR + Goggles -
AdisX | Andrius Maciunas: 100. Witch spells
threepinner: The summit
kds315: P1920163_(c)
Antonio GB: jardín botánico
threepinner: Snow dump yard
blue bubble: 20150202-DSC04666_Isco-Gottingen Kiptar 101mm f2.3 Cine Projector lens