Off Camber Productions: Adam McGrath slipped back to 4th on the day.
Off Camber Productions: anticipation at the line
Off Camber Productions: a line at the stairs
Off Camber Productions: 537 bike carry
Off Camber Productions: 505 bike carry
Off Camber Productions: taking in the action
Off Camber Productions: blue rooster makes a move
Off Camber Productions: through the leaves
Off Camber Productions: kitten v 246 v motofish
Off Camber Productions: 120 by the courts
Off Camber Productions: 448 by the courts
Off Camber Productions: barrier spectators and 334
Off Camber Productions: masters take the hill
Off Camber Productions: suffering on the stairs
Off Camber Productions: the grimace of 273
Off Camber Productions: 242 v 119 on the stairs
Off Camber Productions: 120's helmet whities
Off Camber Productions: three at the corner
Off Camber Productions: turkey sandwich masters
Off Camber Productions: dignified fan
Off Camber Productions: cx and autumn grasses
Off Camber Productions: 530 and the autumn leaves
Off Camber Productions: the tutu crew
Off Camber Productions: triumph in a tutu
Off Camber Productions: finish line smile
Off Camber Productions: a cosmic celebration
Off Camber Productions: you wanna piece of this?
Off Camber Productions: 8 v 1 on the stairs
Off Camber Productions: 435 bike carry