Mike Farris 02: Even plastic dinosaurs are trying to keep others safe.
Mike Farris 02: The mice enjoyed my toilet paper by pooping on it, then tearing off bits to wipe their little mouse bottoms!
Mike Farris 02: Police Car Moth (Gnophaela vermiculata), Winfield, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: American pika (Ochotona princeps), Mt. Belford, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: View from the summit of Mt. Belford, Colorado, looking towards Mt. Oxford. It's longer than it looks.
Mike Farris 02: White-tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) on the summit of Mt. Oxford, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris), Mt. Belford, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Descending Mt. Belford, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Modern camping is all cables and chargers
Mike Farris 02: Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) were knocking rocks onto the road near Leadville, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Irritated squirrel, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Columbia monkshood (Aconitum columbianum Ranunculaceae). South La Plata Trail, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Elephant's head (Pedicularis groenlandica: Scrophulariaceae). South La Plata Trail, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Star Gentian (Swertia perennis). South La Plata Trail, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis thermalis: Gentianaceae). South La Plata Trail, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Parry's primrose (Primula parryi: Primulaceae). South La Plata Trail, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Wetterhorn and Uncompahgre from Redcloud Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: The ridge between Redcloud and Sunshine Peaks, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Arctic gentian (Gentiana algida). Below Redcloud Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Alpine flowers, Redcloud Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Western White (Pontia occidentalis). Below Redcloud Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Small Wood Nymph (Cercyonis oetus). Below Redcloud Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Avalanche debris below Redcloud Peak, Colorado. The avalalanche came down that gully!
Mike Farris 02: Wetterhorn Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: The summit pitch of Wetterhorn Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Looking down the route from the summit of Wetterhorn Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Uncompahgre Peak from the summit of Wetterhorn Peak, Colorado.
Mike Farris 02: Wetterhorn from the summit of Uncompahgre Peak, Colorado.