Mezzapod: Afternoon sunlight
Mezzapod: light and shade
Mezzapod: light
Mezzapod: Poop and Pink feet!
Mezzapod: HIghland cow Isle of Mull
Mezzapod: Nearest I could get!
Mezzapod: Iona from the beach
Mezzapod: Ferry to Mull from Iona
Mezzapod: birds in flight
Mezzapod: Iona Abbey
Mezzapod: Iona rocks and shells
Mezzapod: Iona rocks and croft
Mezzapod: Iona_edited-1
Mezzapod: Waiting for the ferry to Mull
Mezzapod: abbey at Iona2
Mezzapod: Clouds
Mezzapod: cow, sea loch and afternoon sun
Mezzapod: Beautiful hill
Mezzapod: Burn flowing into Loch Scridain
Mezzapod: Old boat Isle of Mull
Mezzapod: decay
Mezzapod: Little boats at Tobermory
Mezzapod: Afternoon sun at Tobermory
Mezzapod: old pier
Mezzapod: skyline trees at Calgary bay Mull
Mezzapod: Silvery sands at Calgary Bay
Mezzapod: waterfall
Mezzapod: Mull landscape2
Mezzapod: Rocks Mull
Mezzapod: Mull landscape