MexicoEcoResort: Roadside Repair near Curcurpe
MexicoEcoResort: My sleeping Angel in a 200 year old bed
MexicoEcoResort: Mesquite Stump Patio with Ocatillo Roof
MexicoEcoResort: En el Jardín
MexicoEcoResort: Delicate little flowers
MexicoEcoResort: Archway Morning Café
MexicoEcoResort: Perfect light to read by
MexicoEcoResort: Needing my anteojos
MexicoEcoResort: The Church from the Apartment Terrace
MexicoEcoResort: Good Book -n- a Great Life
MexicoEcoResort: Bright Sunburnt Orange peeking above the ocatillo roof
MexicoEcoResort: Tres Cascadas en Tubas
MexicoEcoResort: Bill and Irma explain
MexicoEcoResort: DSC_0215
MexicoEcoResort: DSC_0214
MexicoEcoResort: CSC_0190