mewtate: no pictures, please!
mewtate: i laugh!
mewtate: watching the sunset on our honeymoon boat in tahiti
mewtate: drivin' through a storm
mewtate: back on land
mewtate: playa grande, costa rica
mewtate: me and id
mewtate: mr. douglass
mewtate: uber tourists
mewtate: el tecuan
mewtate: el tecuan
mewtate: el tecuan
mewtate: el tecuan
mewtate: ian body surfing at el tecuan
mewtate: el tecuan
mewtate: somewhere on the way to punta allen in the sian kaan biosphere reserve
mewtate: beach below the tulum mayan ruins
mewtate: at the tulum mayan ruins
mewtate: ian and todd taking a breather
mewtate: the husband
mewtate: me & id
mewtate: id surfing at 30th street in manhattan beach
mewtate: id having a wee bash on the pipes
mewtate: disapproving of my photo taking
mewtate: me and id
mewtate: id the photographer
mewtate: id having a wee bash on the pipes
mewtate: shells littering the beach
mewtate: gather round