mewtate: door to abandoned house
mewtate: abandoned house
mewtate: machinery
mewtate: look, ma! it's trash!
mewtate: decaying gauges
mewtate: broken down jeep
mewtate: decaying bathroom
mewtate: back view of the decaying cafe
mewtate: front view of the decaying cafe
mewtate: inside the decaying cafe
mewtate: 12:21pm, decaying doorway
mewtate: old sportsman's cafe
mewtate: taken right before we were called trespassers
mewtate: nitt witt door knob
mewtate: nitt witt dresser
mewtate: nitt witt door
mewtate: jack be nimble
mewtate: satin tone
mewtate: abandoned house
mewtate: twisted car
mewtate: wagon
mewtate: rusted car
mewtate: twisted wagon