Metropolitan Planning Council:
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Alfonso Martel, Michelle Smolinski and Mark Guess, Charter One
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Alfonso Martel of Charter One and Lillie Sellers of MPC
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Allen Rodriguez, Charter One (center) with Laurentino Ramirez of Spanish Coalition for Housing and Joe Martin of Diversity, Inc.
Metropolitan Planning Council:
South suburban employers gather for Charter One Workforce Housing Initiative convening
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Charter One's Allen Rodriguez with Janice Morrissy and Grace Bazylewski, Village of Lansing Planning Dept.
Metropolitan Planning Council:
South suburban employers gather for Charter One Workforce Housing Initiative convening
Metropolitan Planning Council:
MarySue Barrett of MPC and David Mekarski of Olympia Fields
Metropolitan Planning Council:
South suburban employers with Glenn Mazade (right) of Charter One
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Scott C. Swanson, President, Charter One, Illinois with MarySue Barrett of MPC and David Mekarski of Olympia Fields
Metropolitan Planning Council:
LaDon Harris, Southtown Star (right)
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Vanessa Sanchez with Spanish Coalition for Housing with MarySue Barrett of MPC and Denise St. Pierre of Robinson Engineering
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Lillie Sellers with Pat Mahon and Sue Turner of South Holland
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Glenn Mazade of Charter One with Ed Paesel of SSMMA
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Scott C. Swanson and Glenn Mazade of Charter One with Ed Paesel of SSMMA
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Laurentino Ramirez of Spanish Coalition for Housing with Lisa Thompson and Vannessa Falcon of Century 21 SGR
Metropolitan Planning Council:
MarySue Barret, Allen Rodriguez and Pat Mahon
Metropolitan Planning Council:
South suburban employers gather for Charter One Workforce Housing Initiative convening
Metropolitan Planning Council:
South suburban employers gather for Charter One Workforce Housing Initiative convening
Metropolitan Planning Council:
South suburban employers gather for Charter One Workforce Housing Initiative convening
Metropolitan Planning Council:
Spanish Coalition for Housing staff (right)