One of the new signal masts which will be installed as part of the temporary track detour.
1. Installation of one of the new signal masts next to the path of the future track detour.
Looking west at the site of the future underpass, between the CN tracks on the left and the recently shifted GO tracks on the right.
Prep for track shift at Whitby's South Blair St.; new underpass will bring improved safety & efficient train movements.
Train speeds had to be reduced between Whitby & Oshawa during prep work for track shift.
Prep for track shift at the South Blair Street crossing; lifting track to install ballast underneath.
Standing on the future site of the underpass; recently we shifted the GO tracks away from the CN tracks to allow for construction.
10. Habitat compensation area between the East Rail Maintenance Facility and the South Blair St underpass sites.
Welding crews are welding ‘whalers’ to the piles. The ‘whalers’ are horizontal beams that hold the piles together.
An overview of the excavation site for the shoring wall for the future rail-over-road underpass at the South Blair Street level crossing in Whitby. The underpass will improve pedestrian, rail and vehicular traffic flow in the area.
Drilling under the CN Kingston subdivision to install horizontal tiebacks (steel rods that hold the together piles on each side) that prevent the shoring wall from sagging under the weight of the retained soil.
1. Rebar and formwork for the west abutment footing in the foreground, pier columns for the median lane of the future underpass at centre and a concrete pump in the background, pouring concrete into the formwork for the east abutment wall.
5. Concrete pump used to pour concrete into the formwork for the future east abutment wall.
6. The concrete pour into the east abutment wall continues as a VIA train speeds by in the background.