Metrolinx: Working all weekend on Whitby's South Blair Street track shift; cutting tracks.
Metrolinx: Standing on the future site of the underpass; recently we shifted the GO tracks away from the CN tracks to allow for construction.
Metrolinx: Oct 2013 - East Rail Maintenance Facility
Metrolinx: Oct 2013 - East Rail Maintenance Facility
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Future ERMF site, looking south-east toward Hopkins Street.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Dump trucks moving reusable fill accross Hopkins Street; material taken from the site east of Hopkins St. will be reused west of Hopkins St.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Dump trucks moving reusable fill; material taken from the site east of Hopkins St. will be reused west of Hopkins St.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Excavation of weak soil.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Placement of crushed stone material in the future building area.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Compaction of reusable fill on top the cushed stone material in the future building area.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Compaction of reusable fill on top the cushed stone material in the future building area.
Metrolinx: July 2013 - Looking west at the grading site.
Metrolinx: As much as five meters of soil has been temporarily placed on top of the future site of the facility to compact and settle the ground underneath.
Metrolinx: Soil being placed on top of the site.
Metrolinx: Grading works.
Metrolinx: On the left - grading works. On the right - one of the pumps dewatering the site.
Metrolinx: Lakeshore East GO Train passing by the construction site.