Metrolinx: Drilling under the CN Kingston subdivision to install horizontal tiebacks (steel rods that hold the together piles on each side) that prevent the shoring wall from sagging under the weight of the retained soil.
Metrolinx: Bloor work progresses on UP canopy.
Metrolinx: Bloor preparing for installation of new track.
Metrolinx: GO canopies - Bloor Nov 2014
Metrolinx: Nov 2014 - Erindale GO Station
Metrolinx: Nov 2014 - Erindale GO Station
Metrolinx: Weston Formworks for side platform shelter.
Metrolinx: Overview of the progress made on the rehabilitation of the bus loop.
Metrolinx: Oct 2014 - Union Station Revitalization Train Shed Photos of the yellow crane removal at Union Station from Saturday, October 4, 2014. The crane was building the glass atrium. This marks a major milestone in the revitalization of Union Station.
Metrolinx: 2. Filter cloth to be used to build the new access road sub grade.
Metrolinx: Sept 2014 - Union Station Revitalization Train Shed
Metrolinx: View of the actual station building.
Metrolinx: Painting of steel structure in the Union Station train shed.
Metrolinx: New Mimico platform.
Metrolinx: A west exterior view of the new Burlington GO Station building.
Metrolinx: A rendering of the future Square One GO Bus Station building.
Metrolinx: July 2014 - Weston GO & UP Station
Metrolinx: New ticket building.
Metrolinx: Almost there.
Metrolinx: After weeks of preliminary work, construction of a new station building begins at GO Transit's Square One GO Bus Terminal.
Metrolinx: Strachan
Metrolinx: The installation of aluminum panels by the south-east staircase is complete.
Metrolinx: Standing on the future site of the underpass; recently we shifted the GO tracks away from the CN tracks to allow for construction.
Metrolinx: Installation of a snow-melting system on the east side of the platform.
Metrolinx: Jun 2014 – Pickering GO Station
Metrolinx: Working all weekend on Whitby's South Blair Street track shift; cutting tracks.
Metrolinx: Installation of the electrical conduit inside the link bridge, which will provide a direct connection between the new parking structure and the platforms.