metamatt: Succulent flowers
metamatt: Vanessa
metamatt: Flowering succulents
metamatt: Going to seed
metamatt: Sea of fog
metamatt: Sea of fog
metamatt: Artificial color
metamatt: Moss and sun
metamatt: Mossy branch
metamatt: Spiderweb
metamatt: Shafts
metamatt: Giants
metamatt: Green
metamatt: Twist
metamatt: Blue green
metamatt: Blue lake, blue sky
metamatt: Vanessa
metamatt: Vanessa
metamatt: Vanessa and Matt
metamatt: Wizardry
metamatt: Pinnacles
metamatt: Pinnacles
metamatt: Off into the distance
metamatt: Mountain family
metamatt: Tubing
metamatt: Green
metamatt: Beaver pond
metamatt: DSC_3818
metamatt: Tent caterpillars
metamatt: Wildflowers