Metal Chris: Orgy Of The Damned at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Immortal Decay at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Balor and Septim of Immortal Decay
Metal Chris: Septim of Immortal Decay
Metal Chris: Bass player for Immortal Decay
Metal Chris: Immortal Decay at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Apothys at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Carrion Misery of Apothys
Metal Chris: Apothys at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Apothys at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Carrion Misery of Apothys
Metal Chris: Apothys at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Carrion Misery of Apothys
Metal Chris: Apothys at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Tim Clayborne of Hatred
Metal Chris: Tim Clayborne of Hatred
Metal Chris: Hatred at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Hatred at KC's Music Alley
Metal Chris: Joe Jablonski of Hatred
Metal Chris: Hatred at KC's Music Alley