MetaCookbook: Green Chile Apple Pie!?!!?
MetaCookbook: Tarts!
MetaCookbook: My Entry
MetaCookbook: Virtue Logo
MetaCookbook: Another decorated pie
MetaCookbook: Mmmmm... Pie....
MetaCookbook: About to try my most anticipated pie!
MetaCookbook: My pie, up close.
MetaCookbook: First try at pie!
MetaCookbook: Second try at pie.
MetaCookbook: Purple?
MetaCookbook: Actual chile chunks.
MetaCookbook: Cheese rolled into the crust.
MetaCookbook: Measuring Crust Diameter
MetaCookbook: I suspect this is 2nd place prize.
MetaCookbook: I suspect this is 3rd place prizes
MetaCookbook: My pie on the bar!
MetaCookbook: Pie Judging Begins
MetaCookbook: The Contenders
MetaCookbook: Test Pie
MetaCookbook: Pie Crust Cookies