mesquakie8: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheuticus ludovicianus)
mesquakie8: Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea)
mesquakie8: Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) Explored #419
mesquakie8: Hey, cut that out or I'll bite you! (Pheuticus ludovicianus)
mesquakie8: Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
mesquakie8: Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
mesquakie8: Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)
mesquakie8: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)
mesquakie8: Checking me out! (Cardinalis cardinalis) Explored #449
mesquakie8: Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
mesquakie8: Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) Explored #497
mesquakie8: White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)
mesquakie8: Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis)
mesquakie8: Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa)
mesquakie8: Barred Owl (Strix varia)
mesquakie8: Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
mesquakie8: Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia)
mesquakie8: Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera)
mesquakie8: Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
mesquakie8: Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus)
mesquakie8: Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa) - MN
mesquakie8: Northern Saw-whet Owl
mesquakie8: Who, Little Ol' Me Taking Nuts?
mesquakie8: Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
mesquakie8: Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus)
mesquakie8: Profile~ Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus)
mesquakie8: Northern Saw-whet Owl
mesquakie8: #299 Happy Holidays to all our Flickr friends!
mesquakie8: #418 Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
mesquakie8: Ol' Tom checking out the ladies ~ Explore #12 1/28/09