mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_00151
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_00152
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_00714
mesaba: how we watched the world cup in the shop
mesaba: true to form, Amos loves lever
mesaba: basketball court with three volcanoes in background
mesaba: fuego (left) and acatenango
mesaba: view from the porch at my host family's house
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mesaba: storm coming up behind the volcano
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_00907
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10003
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10010
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10011
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10014
mesaba: central park and cathedral at night
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mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10126
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10148
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10149
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10159
mesaba: inside the cathedral (ruined by several earthquakes over the past 300 years)
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10196
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10200
mesaba: tree in cathedral
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10216
mesaba: in the cathedral
mesaba: la merced
mesaba: 2010-guate-DSC_10244