swerv69: Marmot
swerv69: Large Wall Brown; female of the form adrasta
swerv69: Weaver's Fritillary
swerv69: Thyme
swerv69: Salad Burnet
swerv69: Round Headed Rampion
swerv69: Humming Bird Hawkmoth
swerv69: Gymnosporangium cornutum
swerv69: Coprinopsis nivea
swerv69: Clouded Yellow
swerv69: Chalkhill Blue
swerv69: Camberwell Beauty
swerv69: Russula:Lactarius sp
swerv69: Parasols at dam
swerv69: Bird's Nest fungus
swerv69: Autumn Crocus 2k
swerv69: Adonis Blue on dead beetle
swerv69: Marmot 2
swerv69: Hummingbird Hawk Moth at rest
swerv69: Tar Spot on Sycamore leaf
swerv69: Suillus sp under Pine
swerv69: Stropharia pseudocyanea
swerv69: Oyster gall on Oak leaf
swerv69: Old puffball Cirque de Troumouse
swerv69: Nail galls on Lime leaves
swerv69: Mikiola fagi
swerv69: Cirque de Troumouse
swerv69: Lycoperdon cf marginatum
swerv69: Lycoperdon perlatum
swerv69: Bird's Nest fungus