swerv69: Coprinus ?micaceus
swerv69: Mycena inclinata(?) Burton Bushes
swerv69: Pleurotus Burton Bushes
swerv69: young Honey fungus Burton Bushes
swerv69: Marasmius hudsonii BurtonBushes
swerv69: young honey fungus Burton Bushes
swerv69: sulfur tuft Burton Bushes
swerv69: Lacrymaria velutina
swerv69: Chicken of the Woods - Burton Bushes
swerv69: Hygrocybe conica
swerv69: Marasmius oreades 02
swerv69: Paneolus sphinctrinus,
swerv69: Amanita, Dersingham Bog
swerv69: Allopsalliota geesteranii
swerv69: Lycoperdon perlatum
swerv69: panther cap (Amanita pantherina)
swerv69: death cap (Amanita phalloides) under side
swerv69: death cap
swerv69: shaggy ink cap
swerv69: shaggy ink cap inked
swerv69: Parasola (Coprinus) plicatilis
swerv69: Pterula multifida
swerv69: Suillus luteus Slippery Jack
swerv69: Pholiota at base of Norway Spruce
swerv69: Lactarius deterrimus
swerv69: Psathyrella ?multipedata
swerv69: Stropharia aurantiaca on chippings
swerv69: Laccaria amethystina
swerv69: mature Amanita muscaria
swerv69: Oudmansiella mucida, Nidd Gorge