Alastair Rae: Red Squirrel
Alastair Rae: Grey Marmot
Alastair Rae: Waterhole
Alastair Rae: Muddy Rhino
Alastair Rae: Waterhole
Alastair Rae: Blue Crane and fellow drinkers
Alastair Rae: Bookends
Alastair Rae: Necks
Alastair Rae: Baby Barcode
Alastair Rae: Pecking Order
Alastair Rae: Jackal Family
Alastair Rae: Young Springbok
Alastair Rae: Rock Hyrax
Alastair Rae: Steenbok
Alastair Rae: Zebra
Alastair Rae: Meerkats
Alastair Rae: Curious Cheetah Cub
Alastair Rae: Cheetah at Dusk
Alastair Rae: Gemsbok
Alastair Rae: Grey Seal Mother & Pup
Alastair Rae: Grey Seal Pup
Alastair Rae: Guanaco
Alastair Rae: Guanaco
Alastair Rae: Vicuñas
Alastair Rae: Pelican and sea lion feeding frenzy.
Alastair Rae: Viscacha
Alastair Rae: Sea lions
Alastair Rae: Polar Bear Mother and Cubs
Alastair Rae: Swimming Polar bear
Alastair Rae: Walrus