John A Henderson: Merit Golf Club, Chicago
stephenhjcole: A special place
AlCapitol: France - gorges du Verdon - bevédère du tunnel Samson
Ottershot_Photography: A Guam Perspective
idunbarreid: Fallen Cactus ?
baechli58: Bearded Tit
Paul McGoveran: Sandhill Cranes 9283
uwe20: Durch die Allee
fleckchen: Herbstwald -autumn forest
peter57117: American Bison_0758_DxO
giuseppegenesio: Oca Lombardella / Anser albifrons
Paul Leb: Pollinisation
Roland B43: The road to Ryckevelde Castle
degan64: Into A Dream
matthias416: Trou de la Bombe
JLS@Photos: Portrait, Orangutan (female), Orang-outan (femelle)
leimaneagita: ALI_3405
pentagonjack: Echinopla
Santiago GV: Trepador azul / Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
jonathancoombes: Great Crested Grebe with a jack pike.
Fab Boone: The river current
alainpere407: Vieux châtaigniers old chestnuts
artiste24artiste241: Fleurs Bleues (41)
jaimepandobalust: Castillo Mayor
Clement Tang *: Great Mormon 美鳯蝶 : Flapping wings and feeding . . .