merrickball: Corriedale stripes ... I hope :)
merrickball: Merrick
merrickball: Keegan and Merrick
merrickball: Merrick
merrickball: Keegan and Merrick
merrickball: Keegan
merrickball: Keegan the Huntsman
merrickball: Merrick
merrickball: Merrick with flash
merrickball: Keegan and Merrick
merrickball: Don't text and drive!
merrickball: My shadow self takes a picture
merrickball: BBQ ribs - yum
merrickball: Woke up craving caramel creams
merrickball: Keegan and Merrick
merrickball: My dream refrigerator
merrickball: Genius. I need these.
merrickball: Merrick
merrickball: Chicken wings at Arena Tavern
merrickball: Vampire Nathan
merrickball: Strawberry margaritas at Armando's!
merrickball: Traffic uggggggh
merrickball: Evilkeegs!
merrickball: Oh shit.
merrickball: Note the cable outlet on the wall