meropa: "The bed's so big, the sheets are clean..."
meropa: Fancy bathroom is fancy.
meropa: The Olde Town Inn
meropa: VACANCY
meropa: This was just weird... dead (stuffed?) cat in a box with beads.
meropa: View from the balcony...
meropa: Geaux waffle!
meropa: I didn't even mind that it was kinda chilly outside while I was eating breakfast in the outdoor dining area.
meropa: Engine, engine number 9...
meropa: Not pictured: 4 and other 2.
meropa: Oh look, parade stuff.
meropa: Maybe I should have stuck around for some actual parades...
meropa: Off they go...
meropa: Tuesday is gonna be so fat.
meropa: Yeah, a statue!
meropa: Not to be confused with Orleans...
meropa: It's a lovely day in NOLA.
meropa: Clang, clang, clang...
meropa: Save the date!
meropa: Churchy.
meropa: Punch Drunk Love minus the pudding...
meropa: I am doing my best.
meropa: My kind of wall art!
meropa: This place looks fun...
meropa: The little arrow says "BOX OFFICE", so I bet that's nice to see in the dark.
meropa: Repurposed Burger King salad labels...
meropa: Big blessings, y'all.
meropa: Tiny house next to a defunct church...
meropa: Creeeeeeeepy abandoned Six Flags.
meropa: Closed for storm, and closed to people like me trying to check it out inside.