mermiller: God, why did you make this?
mermiller: "The remedy is the experience"
mermiller: "And as the summers ending the cold air will rush your hard heart away"
mermiller: Bingo Chica
mermiller: Lejano de la gente
mermiller: Amor a la feria
mermiller: I have a new muse.
mermiller: Por la noche...
mermiller: A Softness
mermiller: "How Sweet It Is"
mermiller: "For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks."
mermiller: "The heart is the wellspring of life."
mermiller: "He will take great delight in you..."
mermiller: "...He will quiet you with His love..."
mermiller: "...He will rejoice with you over singing."
mermiller: Zephaniah 3:17
mermiller: Besos
mermiller: Jenn
mermiller: Postcard
mermiller: Celebrate Love!
mermiller: Puppy Love
mermiller: Pretty please with a cherry on top!
mermiller: Puppy Eyes and Curly Q's