MermaidSocks: Ev breakfasts
MermaidSocks: strange craft
MermaidSocks: disapproving
MermaidSocks: some assemby required
MermaidSocks: leaving paradise
MermaidSocks: full moon
MermaidSocks: ship passing in the night
MermaidSocks: party girls
MermaidSocks: newlyweds
MermaidSocks: paradise
MermaidSocks: high tide
MermaidSocks: marooned
MermaidSocks: eye on you
MermaidSocks: behave!
MermaidSocks: where we was
MermaidSocks: nearly sunset
MermaidSocks: beach bum
MermaidSocks: beach stroll
MermaidSocks: welcome to puget island
MermaidSocks: blowing pineapple
MermaidSocks: welcome
MermaidSocks: 3 gals & their pineapples
MermaidSocks: big breakfast
MermaidSocks: honeymoon suite
MermaidSocks: honeymooners
MermaidSocks: posterity
MermaidSocks: got the knife, again
MermaidSocks: pensive groom
MermaidSocks: still got sandy feet