Merit de Jong: Wanja, gazing into a new world...
Merit de Jong: a magical morning in the mist, the view remains a mystery for a while... (the full moon had not yet disappeared, and the sun was already rising)
Merit de Jong: ...and as luck would have it, this was the moment when the swallows gathered for the southward migration!
Merit de Jong: suddenly they were there; the swallows, countless swallows... they gather for the great journey south
Merit de Jong: lovely neighbours:-)
Merit de Jong: a new friend (and neighbor) :-)
Merit de Jong: Godoncourt, my new home
Merit de Jong: first walks, discovering the trees in our neighborhood...
Merit de Jong: near the Saône...
Merit de Jong: in my backyard...
Merit de Jong: on a wall in a place nearby...
Merit de Jong: an abyss in a place nearby...
Merit de Jong: early in the morning...
Merit de Jong: the white donkey...
Merit de Jong: ...a walk in a village nearby
Merit de Jong: exploratory walks...