Merilee Phillips:
American Avocet
Merilee Phillips:
black-crowned night heron
Merilee Phillips:
Merilee Phillips:
going out for lunch
Merilee Phillips:
the icon
Merilee Phillips:
the start of the day
Merilee Phillips:
spring starling
Merilee Phillips:
crested runner duck
Merilee Phillips:
salad days
Merilee Phillips:
northern flicker
Merilee Phillips:
Common Starling
Merilee Phillips:
ferruginous hawk
Merilee Phillips:
Great horned owl
Merilee Phillips:
Barn Owl
Merilee Phillips:
gray hawk
Merilee Phillips:
Harris's hawk
Merilee Phillips:
Prairie Falcon
Merilee Phillips:
black crowned night heron
Merilee Phillips:
black neck stilt
Merilee Phillips:
taking flight
Merilee Phillips:
gila woodpecker on saguaro
Merilee Phillips:
going in circles...
Merilee Phillips:
Merilee Phillips:
ring-neck duck
Merilee Phillips:
happy together
Merilee Phillips:
“Happy as a duck in water”
Merilee Phillips:
Merilee Phillips:
a restful moment
Merilee Phillips:
little tweetie
Merilee Phillips:
"...on the infinite highway of the air.”