Camilla Merigo: lazy dog
Camilla Merigo: Hahahahahahahahahaha #Chester #Pincher #Dog #Minidog #Trollando #Amomuitotudoisso
Camilla Merigo: #pinscher #Chester #Folgado
Camilla Merigo: behold looser subject of canine land #Pinscher #Almofada #NaridugoDog #Sonodatarde
Camilla Merigo: Friiiiio !!!! #Chester #pinscher #cobertor #sono #frio
Camilla Merigo: Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover Hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder? Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do #avicci #chester#Pischer #dog
Camilla Merigo: Hahahahahahaha !!! #Chester #pinscher. #sol #sofa #folgado
Camilla Merigo: Oi esta ligada a camera ??? Entao clika hahaha #Dog #melhoramigo #pinscher #chester
Camilla Merigo: O filho mais velho ficou com ciumes haha " eu tb sou bonito " Haha #chester #pinscher #ciumento #velho #adoro #dogs #cachorros #cachorrada #familia