Meridith112: Ring- billed Gull- Larus delawarensis- Posing for the camera - Otter Cove
Meridith112: Saint Charles Flood 2010
Meridith112: I have my eye on you - Mallard - (Anas platyrhynchos)
Meridith112: Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Delnor Hospital Pond
Meridith112: All by myself - Mourning Dove 1- Zenaida macroura
Meridith112: Two is better than one- Mourning Dove 2 - Zenaida macroura
Meridith112: Peek a Boo and Baby Too!
Meridith112: Set Me Free Why Don't You Babe.....Garfield Farm
Meridith112: You Old Coot- Fox River- Batavia - American Coot-Fulica americana
Meridith112: Common Goldeneye Ducks (Bucephala clangula) Batavia- IL- Fox River
Meridith112: Red-Tailed Hawk 2-B Buteo jamaicensis - Morning @ Primrose - Saint Charles IL
Meridith112: Red-Tailed Hawk 1-A -Buteo jamaicensis- Morning @ Primrose - Saint Charles IL
Meridith112: Red Tailed Hawk -(Buteo jamaicensis)-1 Saint Charles IL - Fullscreen on this is best
Meridith112: Red Tailed Hawk -(Buteo jamaicensis) - 2 Saint Charles IL
Meridith112: Red Tailed Hawk -(Buteo jamaicensis) - 3 Saint Charles IL
Meridith112: Red Tailed Hawk - (Buteo jamaicensis) Saint Charles IL -4
Meridith112: Is it something I said? American Robin - Turdus migratorius
Meridith112: American Robin's feathers -Turdus migratorius
Meridith112: Taking a page from the Excorcist - Eastern Bluebird- Sialia sialis - Fabyan Batavia IL
Meridith112: Rookery Baker's Lake - Sadly some reed intrusions - Hit L
Meridith112: They're back... Delnor Swans 3 Geneva IL -Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)
Meridith112: They're back... Delnor Swans 2 Geneva IL -Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)
Meridith112: They're back... Delnor Swans 1 Geneva IL -Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)
Meridith112: Tree Swallow - (Tachycineta bicolor)-Glacial Park - Ringwood IL McHenry County
Meridith112: Tree Swallow - (Tachycineta bicolor) - Glacial Park - Ringwood IL- McHenry County
Meridith112: Hey Who You Calling Common?! -Explore #273 - Common Grackle -Quiscalus quiscula - Geneva IL
Meridith112: Killdeer -Charadrius vociferus - Geneva IL
Meridith112: White-crested Turaco - (Tauraco leucolophus) - Brookfield Zoo Brookfield IL
Meridith112: Peacock - Brookfield Zoo Brookfield IL
Meridith112: Two Friends 2 - Lock Dam 14