j3nks: the pic karina sent me before we started school.
j3nks: karina in front of my dorm room wall fresh year
j3nks: taped nose
j3nks: frosh year
j3nks: it was someone's birthday
j3nks: freshman year ski trip
j3nks: i got a bit fat at the end of my freshman year. . .
j3nks: westside
j3nks: dorm living
j3nks: sophomore year room
j3nks: awwww
j3nks: me and the now famous ross flourney
j3nks: artsy b+w
j3nks: the howser!
j3nks: chelsea and me
j3nks: clee and me
j3nks: air mail!
j3nks: im not sure why i have peter's mom's name tag
j3nks: chairman clara
j3nks: kern river
j3nks: junior year winter formal
j3nks: ogo and me again
j3nks: school house
j3nks: i look 10 but i think i am 17 in this pic.
j3nks: guns
j3nks: clara with panties
j3nks: chelsea got back from break late.
j3nks: we got bored and did this all the time
j3nks: i still played dress up years later
j3nks: rawr