Meredith Garstin: Fig.200: Zodiac and the Tarot
Meredith Garstin: Fig.005 Astrology and Sect
Meredith Garstin: Fig.001 The Original Hellenistic Planetary Glyphs
Meredith Garstin: Fig.010 Table of Rulerships
Meredith Garstin: Fig.011 Bounds According to the Egyptians
Meredith Garstin: Fig.013 Table of Monomoiria
Meredith Garstin: Fig.014 Complete Table of Domicile Lords, Exaltation Degrees, Trigon lords, Egyptian Bounds and Decanic Faces
Meredith Garstin: Fig.015 Places
Meredith Garstin: Fig.016 Good and Bad Places
Meredith Garstin: Fig.009 Aversions
Meredith Garstin: Fig.012 Exaltations
Meredith Garstin: Fig.008 Trines, the 120˚ Triangle
Meredith Garstin: Fig.007 Squares, the 90˚ Angle
Meredith Garstin: Fig.006 Sextiles, the 60˚ Hexagon
Meredith Garstin: Fig.004 Basic Natures of the Planets
Meredith Garstin: Fig.003 Planetary Domiciles
Meredith Garstin: Fig.002 Thema Mundi
Meredith Garstin: Fig.033B: Zodiacal Releasing Worksheet
Meredith Garstin: Fig. Trigon Lords