lindsey meredith: Brush teeth :)
lindsey meredith: Water in eyes
lindsey meredith: Getting up to walk
lindsey meredith: Roses & Mushrooms
lindsey meredith: Red Lobster!!
lindsey meredith: 8-8-08 @ 8:08:08pm
lindsey meredith: I call this my flouncy yard sale skirt :)
lindsey meredith: Check out those feet!
lindsey meredith: Sleepy head
lindsey meredith: It won't fit!!
lindsey meredith: Wall-E Crocs
lindsey meredith: Wall-E Crocs!
lindsey meredith: I love Elmo!
lindsey meredith: Chillin with Elmo
lindsey meredith: Sooo big!
lindsey meredith: Accident picture..
lindsey meredith: Tristan, GG, & Pop
lindsey meredith: Tristan, GG, & Pop
lindsey meredith: Pop & Tristan
lindsey meredith: Pop, Tristan, & GG
lindsey meredith: Pop, Tristan, & GG
lindsey meredith: Cool Wall-E Crocs
lindsey meredith: Stop taking my picture, mom!
lindsey meredith: these sunglasses are so bomb
lindsey meredith: Where's your head?
lindsey meredith: Haha! he was banging on my head..