meredith10010: the view from my accountant's window
meredith10010: lizzie,danica,nicole and alex
meredith10010: lucy and danica
meredith10010: danica,nicole,alex and debi
meredith10010: carol+angela and the dogs
meredith10010: alex,lucy + danica
meredith10010: lizzie and angela
meredith10010: iggy at danica's dinner party
meredith10010: danica and the apple tart
meredith10010: iggy and tumble
meredith10010: karen,alex and angela
meredith10010: karen and angela
meredith10010: greenpoint brooklyn
meredith10010: gregory and a friend@pierogi
meredith10010: loren @pierogi
meredith10010: ati's opening @pierogi
meredith10010: table of food
meredith10010: james and kim
meredith10010: ati's opening @pierogi
meredith10010: kathy and nicole
meredith10010: many birthday cakes
meredith10010: joyce and gorden
meredith10010: party goers
meredith10010: more dancing
meredith10010: sheila!
meredith10010: sheila and her friends dancing
meredith10010: lighting of the birthday cake
meredith10010: birthday cake
meredith10010: sheila and manny dancing with the cake