Maude Cox: trees
Maude Cox: grass
Maude Cox: last days of summer
Maude Cox: I am driving this car
Maude Cox: at the office
Maude Cox: Goethe
Maude Cox: laundry
Maude Cox: The Discourager is legal!
Maude Cox: cat kite
Maude Cox: Ocean City sand Jesuses
Maude Cox: watching GH
Maude Cox: Floyd and the Peeps
Maude Cox: table with giant cat
Maude Cox: auto-interpellation
Maude Cox: old, but still huge
Maude Cox: livingroom
Maude Cox: casper puts it on the glass
Maude Cox: on the materiality of the signifier
Maude Cox: a place not to write
Maude Cox: Again on the materiality of the signifier
Maude Cox: Hunter looking for the post office
Maude Cox: Hunter watching Top Model
Maude Cox: Erich
Maude Cox: First night in Washington Heights
Maude Cox: He awoke the world from its slumber
Maude Cox: our apartment reflected in a balloon
Maude Cox: brain thieves