TaiBoo~: I can pway wif my new toy!
TaiBoo~: Dis is hawdew den I foughf
TaiBoo~: Welcome to my home!
TaiBoo~: Rub my tummy!
TaiBoo~: Dreamy Su Lin
TaiBoo~: Can I try out for American Idol?
TaiBoo~: What is this new thing I see?
TaiBoo~: Whatever it is it has yummy boo in it
TaiBoo~: Cutest face
TaiBoo~: Mom and baby Tree roo
TaiBoo~: Head to head
TaiBoo~: Hewwo
TaiBoo~: Listen my boy
TaiBoo~: See my fan!
TaiBoo~: Cubbies resting
TaiBoo~: Mom we are not done yet!
TaiBoo~: Here she is Zhen Zhen!