TaiBoo~: Stuffies spent the afternoon in my recliner watching cable
TaiBoo~: Lunch at the boo plant
TaiBoo~: Stuffies emailing their friends
TaiBoo~: Now they have more of my toys!
TaiBoo~: Mommy they have my toy!
TaiBoo~: Who is dat?
TaiBoo~: Pandas hanging stocking on Kitty
TaiBoo~: Kitty thinking what are these stockings and where are they going?
TaiBoo~: Pandas surround kitty
TaiBoo~: Panda meeting discussing Christmas
TaiBoo~: Stuffies in the car
TaiBoo~: Stuffies practicing hiding from guards
TaiBoo~: Group picture of stuffies arriving at work
TaiBoo~: Stuffies checking the panda cam
TaiBoo~: Stuffies waiting for email
TaiBoo~: Tai on Xerox machine
TaiBoo~: Stuffies in overhead bin area
TaiBoo~: Lani and Tai climbing on my coat rack
TaiBoo~: Mei between Lani and Tai
TaiBoo~: Stuffies napping
TaiBoo~: Panda Central
TaiBoo~: Mei kitty and baby Shan
TaiBoo~: A tower of pandas
TaiBoo~: Hello Miss Mei
TaiBoo~: Who is not a panna?
TaiBoo~: Who are des guys?
TaiBoo~: Who are you?
TaiBoo~: You get near my food and its war!
TaiBoo~: Why dis guy on my table!
TaiBoo~: Who are you?