maryelle st. clare: silver roses
maryelle st. clare: five-part light
maryelle st. clare: The Little Prince
maryelle st. clare: Boston Common fountain
maryelle st. clare: gunfight at the o.k. corral
maryelle st. clare: Washington Square Park arch
maryelle st. clare: Washington Square Park arch
maryelle st. clare: lift me up
maryelle st. clare: a fountain dressed up for Christmas
maryelle st. clare: house on east battery
maryelle st. clare: house on east battery
maryelle st. clare: St. Michael's Episcopal Church
maryelle st. clare: epitaph for a child
maryelle st. clare: water fountain
maryelle st. clare: garden gate
maryelle st. clare: Triton Babies, Boston Public Garden