meowhous the iconoclast:
Booth Painting
meowhous the iconoclast:
Booth Painting
meowhous the iconoclast:
Dave Plays to the Rail
meowhous the iconoclast:
Ah, yeah, sure!
meowhous the iconoclast:
Brian makes a face
meowhous the iconoclast:
The Captain with a student
meowhous the iconoclast:
Fencers waiting
meowhous the iconoclast:
More fencers waiting
meowhous the iconoclast:
The Captain works the rail
meowhous the iconoclast:
Tom with a student
meowhous the iconoclast:
Tom lunges
meowhous the iconoclast:
Looks passe to me
meowhous the iconoclast:
Post bout
meowhous the iconoclast:
Captain surveys his domain
meowhous the iconoclast:
My Buddy Spot
meowhous the iconoclast:
Spot expresses his disdain
meowhous the iconoclast:
Spot gets a treat
meowhous the iconoclast:
Spot with one of his bosses
meowhous the iconoclast:
meowhous the iconoclast:
meowhous the iconoclast:
Photo oph Phencers photographing
meowhous the iconoclast:
Are we bored?
meowhous the iconoclast:
Lesson from Brandon
meowhous the iconoclast:
Lesson, with Tom's grin
meowhous the iconoclast:
meowhous the iconoclast:
You can always recognize that flinch
meowhous the iconoclast: