MEOMI: Sumi, Quatchi & Miga flying back into Vancouver
MEOMI: Exploring Vancouver
MEOMI: vancouver 2010 mascots
MEOMI: giant plush
MEOMI: 3D Miga!
MEOMI: Quatchi 3d
MEOMI: Sumi 3d
MEOMI: Quatchi's at the Bay
MEOMI: quitar
MEOMI: quatchi in comox
MEOMI: yucas
MEOMI: june is bike month!
MEOMI: Mukmuk teaser
MEOMI: Teeny mascot keychains ^__^
MEOMI: Birthday press
MEOMI: Happy birthday!
MEOMI: Happy birthday Quatchi, Miga & Sumi
MEOMI: Mukmuk!
MEOMI: Maple syrup! Sweeet
MEOMI: ming pao
MEOMI: My Sasquatch family ^__^
MEOMI: ZOMG pocket quatchi!! ^___^
MEOMI: Sumi chant ^__^
MEOMI: Canada post mascot stamps ^__^
MEOMI: miga breaks it down for y'all
MEOMI: Giant and teeny Mukmuks
MEOMI: Light box at YVR
MEOMI: Sumi!
MEOMI: bauhaus fangirl alert
MEOMI: sasquatch hat