mennonot: Upper Room
mennonot: Equipment Shed Sunset in Wisconsin
mennonot: Jonathan and the otter
mennonot: Snail on a log
mennonot: Charletta in the Shed
mennonot: Morning light across the table
mennonot: View through a glass float
mennonot: Spider under Lakeshore
mennonot: Storm on the Lake
mennonot: View from Hancock tower
mennonot: Sun rise on the Lake
mennonot: Bonsai
mennonot: Tree and Sunset
mennonot: PICT5871
mennonot: Silhouette against Subset PICT4862
mennonot: Avocado leaves
mennonot: Candles in the Window
mennonot: Birches in Winter
mennonot: Jonathan at the fire place
mennonot: Action at the Federal building
mennonot: Waiting at Cumberland station
mennonot: Room in Maracaibo
mennonot: Charletta at Merida
mennonot: Caracas International Airport
mennonot: Canned Tomatoes and Cantalope
mennonot: Ronald McDonald statue carved from stump of tree
mennonot: London Bridge Station
mennonot: Pine needles in darkness
mennonot: Grasses in the light
mennonot: Pine bed on the forest floor