Memotions: Squirrel in tree
Memotions: You're making me nervous!
Memotions: Stop watching!
Memotions: Caught in the act
Memotions: Yum - O
Memotions: So it's a little wet
Memotions: I'd better polish this off before the birds get here
Memotions: I eat like a bird
Memotions: Not bad at all
Memotions: I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I get to eat my seedses
Memotions: I know I'm going to be hungry again in an hour
Memotions: Hope there's more when this is gone
Memotions: Help yourself to the bird seed
Memotions: Food that sticks to my ribs
Memotions: Excellent, Smithers
Memotions: Making his getaway
Memotions: A hasty retreat