C.R. Girou:
C.R. Girou:
Watson 1st base
C.R. Girou:
ready to steal
C.R. Girou:
Bohn Hitting
C.R. Girou:
Knott swings
C.R. Girou:
on the ready
C.R. Girou:
3 run homer
C.R. Girou:
Jamarillo runs it out
C.R. Girou:
Lets Talk
C.R. Girou:
1st base
C.R. Girou:
Throwing it in
C.R. Girou:
swing batter
C.R. Girou:
Iron Pigs Pitcher
C.R. Girou:
On Deck
C.R. Girou:
Batter up
C.R. Girou:
Hits it foul
C.R. Girou:
C.R. Girou:
Good Game
C.R. Girou:
Game 2 Pitcher
C.R. Girou:
C.R. Girou:
Ready to tag
C.R. Girou:
Iron Pigs catcher
C.R. Girou:
C.R. Girou:
He is a Blurr!
C.R. Girou:
Snelling Batting
C.R. Girou:
Follow Through
C.R. Girou:
At bat
C.R. Girou:
end of the play
C.R. Girou:
back on the bag