Daves shots: Cashel
Daves shots: Cashel 2
Daves shots: Vikings
Daves shots: DSCF6413bw
Daves shots: Mothership
Daves shots: Eiffil tower from feet
Daves shots: Long Way down
Daves shots: Spider
Daves shots: Tides out
Daves shots: Warning
Daves shots: Surrender
Daves shots: Plastic Pollution
Daves shots: Get the messaGe
Daves shots: 7 AM (Autumn Morning)
Daves shots: Achill Island
Daves shots: eye on the ball
Daves shots: Sky & Sea
Daves shots: house on Achill island, ireland
Daves shots: achill Island, Ireland
Daves shots: Path to the Ferry
Daves shots: Pathway
Daves shots: Coomenoole, Dingle Ireland 1
Daves shots: Dawn @ the Lake
Daves shots: Reeds and Mist
Daves shots: Mothership 2
Daves shots: Rooftops & chimney pots
Daves shots: Standing Tall