memeo1: waiting for my soul mate...
memeo1: "Everybody likes to go their own way--to choose their own time and manner of devotion."
memeo1: ~my fair lady~
memeo1: once i was little'
memeo1: what's up @ UR edge of the world?...
memeo1: *blustery day*...i can defeat the wind...
memeo1: sailing 'n a wave of petals is a life 4 me
memeo1: ~wishing~
memeo1: beaming w/'n
memeo1: cen*TER*of*ATTEN*tion
memeo1: ~in my own world~
memeo1: *hide & seek*
memeo1: ... here, near the center
memeo1: *beetle juice*
memeo1: ~in my own world II~
memeo1: todays the day.....
memeo1: "People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. "
memeo1: shadow play