[mementosis]: city of glass
[mementosis]: city of glass III
[mementosis]: city of glass in a box
[mementosis]: fracturama
[mementosis]: watertowers in the city of glass
[mementosis]: yet another self portrait by proxy
[mementosis]: city of glass II
[mementosis]: city of glass in glass
[mementosis]: perspective
[mementosis]: city of glass IV
[mementosis]: Washington Monument
[mementosis]: another self-portrait by proxy
[mementosis]: city of glass and sky
[mementosis]: cielo di vetro II
[mementosis]: juxtaposition and stratification
[mementosis]: spbp
[mementosis]: City of Glass revisited
[mementosis]: self portrait by a distant proxy
[mementosis]: aquacosm
[mementosis]: glass-scraper
[mementosis]: another self-portrait by proxy
[mementosis]: city of glass and stone (and steel)
[mementosis]: cielo di vetro
[mementosis]: self, more and/or less
[mementosis]: pardon our mess..
[mementosis]: the barely reflecting pool
[mementosis]: building in building in building
[mementosis]: quadrafecta
[mementosis]: puddleflection
[mementosis]: short stuff