Josh Pope: Montmarte
Josh Pope: Paris hotel
Josh Pope: View from window of hotel
Josh Pope: Street market in Montmartre
Josh Pope: Bread
Josh Pope: Flowers
Josh Pope: The police in Paris travel in three's.
Josh Pope: Confections
Josh Pope: Cathedral
Josh Pope: The Louvre
Josh Pope: The head of John the Baptist, at the louvre.
Josh Pope: Me and Louis XIV
Josh Pope: Napoleon III's apartment
Josh Pope: Napolean III's dining hall in original condition.
Josh Pope: The top of the Paris Opera House or something like that
Josh Pope: Walking, walking
Josh Pope: Walking up the Eiffel Tower
Josh Pope: This is why we walked up
Josh Pope: Paris skyline
Josh Pope: Paris skyline
Josh Pope: DSCF0190.JPG
Josh Pope: back of Sacré-Coeur
Josh Pope: Some door
Josh Pope: I love this
Josh Pope: Obvious and typical
Josh Pope: CAC698CF-F3C1-11D9-AD1E-000D93699C9A