WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: NE Marx St (unable to determine if origin of name related to history but see Caption for history of other interesting Portland street names)
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Parkrose High School
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: 12/27/2019 Portland Parkrose Walk
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Shutter Doors Fence
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: City of Maywood Park
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: I-205 Multi Use Path (MUP)
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: CITY OF MAYWOOD PARK, INC. 1967
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Gateway Green / Children of God
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: 12/27/2019 Portland Parkrose Walk
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Gateway Plaza Apartments
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Old Portland | New Portland
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Transportation Modes
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Montavilla Neighborhood Association
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Brainard Oregon Historical Cemetery
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Brainard Oregon Historical Cemetery
WalksInPortland | PNWPhotoWalks: Pedestrian Intersection Treatment (since I'm an avid walker/pedestrian these improvements are of interest)