JaxNiCarthaigh: The older couple
JaxNiCarthaigh: The scream
JaxNiCarthaigh: Over here. I'm the one waving.
JaxNiCarthaigh: Come to mumma
JaxNiCarthaigh: At the crematorium.
JaxNiCarthaigh: It's just a step to the left...
JaxNiCarthaigh: Look what they've done to my song, Ma.
JaxNiCarthaigh: Feet of tree fern (so, not technically a tree).
JaxNiCarthaigh: Resting in peace.
JaxNiCarthaigh: Under the tough exterior
JaxNiCarthaigh: A hairy leg after a swim
JaxNiCarthaigh: Pleasure 1
JaxNiCarthaigh: Pleasure 3.1
JaxNiCarthaigh: Forest after burn off
JaxNiCarthaigh: IMG_5240
JaxNiCarthaigh: Grow tall trees
JaxNiCarthaigh: The Happy Tree