Mt Elliott Makerspace: Bike ride around Belle Isle
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Bike ride around Belle Isle
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Screen Printing Set-up
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Working on more computers
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Screen Printing Set-up
Mt Elliott Makerspace: The best magnet/marble run ever...
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Raven looking sassy
Mt Elliott Makerspace: First prints
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Pondering...
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Gathering Wood for a go-cart project
Mt Elliott Makerspace: fixing bikes
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Screen Printing Set-up
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Building Computers
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Building modals
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Screen Printing Set-up
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Impromptu magnet toy game
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Fashion Show
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Raven Fashion Show
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Working on bikes
Mt Elliott Makerspace: Cutting out fabric
Mt Elliott Makerspace: The Makerspace