ct_digital_photog: Preparation
ct_digital_photog: Preparation...but for what?
ct_digital_photog: Biala member
ct_digital_photog: Annual reunion
ct_digital_photog: Helping a child
ct_digital_photog: Deep in discussion
ct_digital_photog: Biala reunion
ct_digital_photog: The Rebbe enters...
ct_digital_photog: Lauding the Rebbe's accomplishments
ct_digital_photog: Aha! A modern version of the traditional Lag BaOmer bonfire!
ct_digital_photog: ...which cues up a powerful Yiddish band!
ct_digital_photog: ...and the dancing begins in earnest
ct_digital_photog: ...and signing with gusto...
ct_digital_photog: ...with children held high - because children are part of the Lag BaOmer celebration
ct_digital_photog: Celebrants unaware of the humorous juxtaposition with the poster behind them
ct_digital_photog: Dancing and singing and camaraderie are important parts of the celebration.
ct_digital_photog: ...after which there is a "tish" - a celebratory ritual "dinner" with the Rebbe - fueled by what is a series of traditional Jewish delicacies - including the what arguably are the world's biggest potato kugels!
ct_digital_photog: Inside a gymnasium, the faithful aware the Rebbe
ct_digital_photog: With elders and several grandsons looking on.
ct_digital_photog: Discussion among some Biala elders
ct_digital_photog: Interestingly, the older men don't have the distinctive Hasidic "payahs" (sideburn curls)
ct_digital_photog: ...well, at least some of the elders don't - but others do
ct_digital_photog: A father fingers the curls on the forehead of his 3-year-old son - and from deep in the recesses of my religious upbringing, it dawns on me what is about to happen...
ct_digital_photog: The Rebbe enters the gym...
ct_digital_photog: ...and the kids are clearly in as much awe as the adults
ct_digital_photog: The Rebbe's entry is greeted by singing and dancing by the younger men in the stands
ct_digital_photog: But the centers of attention quickly change to the 3-year-old boys near where the Rebbe will sit. The only females in close attendance are the young daughters held by some fathers.
ct_digital_photog: Even the children seem to sense something is about to happen...
ct_digital_photog: ,,,and the singing seems to intensify the atmosphere