Melosh: New Boyfriend?
Melosh: On the tender to the Victory Star
Melosh: Victory Star tender
Melosh: en route to Halong Bay
Melosh: Victory Star
Melosh: on deck
Melosh: Dining Room
Melosh: Seafood menu & flag
Melosh: steamed crabs & prawns
Melosh: en route to Halong Bay
Melosh: Halong Bay
Melosh: Halong bay from boat
Melosh: "its a trap"( the tourist variety)
Melosh: fishing village
Melosh: boat tour
Melosh: tourist
Melosh: manda
Melosh: irfan
Melosh: tourists
Melosh: pretty 1
Melosh: pretty 2
Melosh: fishing village
Melosh: old fashioned tourist
Melosh: fisihing boat in floating village
Melosh: P1015981
Melosh: floating village
Melosh: on the tour
Melosh: more karst & boat tour